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When Can You Become a Child’s Guardian in Illinois?

 Posted on October 16,2024 in Child Custody

Naperville, IL family law attorneyPeople can easily take it for granted when they have a healthy family dynamic, with parents who raise their children and provide them with a safe and nurturing environment. For many families in America, that can seem like a fantasy that is out of reach. Sometimes, people have babies even though they never planned on having children and they are not capable of raising them properly. Other times, tragedy strikes, interfering with a parent’s ability to care for a child.

When that happens, it is sometimes possible for a responsible adult in the child’s life to seek guardianship over the child. This can be a relative, like a grandparent, aunt, or uncle, or another adult who has a relationship with the child. When someone undertakes a child’s guardianship, it does not mean that person is adopting the child. However, a guardian is given the authority to become the child’s caregiver. This article will describe how someone can be granted child guardianship. Speak with a skilled Naperville, IL family law attorney to learn more.

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Establishing Paternity with an Unwilling Father in Illinois

 Posted on October 08,2024 in Paternity

Naperville, IL family law attorneyFor many families, understanding who a child’s parents are is fairly clear-cut. Married couples are legally considered the biological parents of a child born in wedlock. The same is true for unmarried couples who have a baby together, aside from the fact that the mother is legally and automatically recognized and the father needs to go through a relatively simple process to acknowledge his paternity, and then both their names will appear on the birth certificate. 

It can be more complicated when the biological father is unwilling to recognize his role in the child’s life. There are many financial and emotional reasons why a mother might want to have her child’s father legally recognized as such. If your baby’s father has refused to acknowledge their relationship, an experienced Naperville, IL family law attorney can help you navigate the process of proving paternity.

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Defending Yourself Against Claims of Dissipating Assets in Illinois

 Posted on September 30,2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce attorneyWhen a couple is in the process of getting a divorce, they can easily get caught up in the tension and feel the need to treat each other as enemies. Spouses in a contentious divorce sometimes view the entire process as a win-or-lose situation, wanting as many assets and as much time with their child as possible, and anything their future ex gets is considered a loss.

In such situations, one spouse might accuse the other of dissipating assets, which means they are diminishing the value of the marital estate so there is less to divide in divorce. Since Illinois courts want to discourage this from happening and punish it when there is proof, accusations can have significant consequences for the divorce settlement. If you are in the midst of divorce proceedings and accused of dissipating assets, speak with a knowledgeable Naperville, IL divorce lawyer to understand what it means and how to protect yourself as you negotiate your settlement. 

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What Does Parental Alienation Mean in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on September 20,2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerWhile many painful aspects of divorce can challenge families, parental alienation is one of the worst. One parent manipulating a child to turn the child against the other parent can seriously harm the parent and child alike. By violating the child’s sense of security as well as the ability to trust their own opinions, specifically about their parents, parental alienation can lead to significant mental and emotional harm. It can be so damaging that it is recognized as a form of child abuse in the state of Illinois.

If you are concerned that you might be the victim of parental alienation, speak with a qualified Naperville, IL child custody lawyer to understand how this could impact your custody arrangement.

What Exactly Is Parental Alienation?

A major reason why a lot of parents stay in an unhappy marriage is because they do not want to hurt their children. While it is incredible to be able to prioritize your child’s well-being above your own, it is not always logical.

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How Can I Make My Ex Comply with Our Illinois Parenting Plan?

 Posted on September 16,2024 in Child Custody

Naperville, IL Parenting Plan LawyerParents in Illinois leave their divorce proceedings with an enforceable parenting plan. This document outlines exactly how they will split their parental rights and responsibilities. A recent case involving a mother scheduling important therapy for her daughter during the father’s parenting time emphasizes how serious Illinois courts consider the violation of a parenting plan. If your ex is keeping you from exercising your parental rights, there are several steps you can take to receive the court’s help in enforcing your agreement. An experienced Naperville, IL family law attorney can help you navigate this process and protect your relationship with your child.

What Happens When a Parent Violates the Parenting Plan?

In Illinois, what is commonly known as "custody" is officially called "parental responsibilities." This includes parenting time, otherwise known as visitation, and the responsibility to make important decisions that can affect the child. By signing their divorce decree, both parents commit to upholding their end of the agreement, but what happens when one parent violates it?

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Should I Get Legally Separated in Illinois?

 Posted on September 05,2024 in Family Law

DuPage County, IL legal separation lawyersWith people all having things that make them unique, it is no wonder that every couple’s dynamic is unique. And on that same token, ending a marriage can look different for every couple going through it. While divorce is certainly a common method, many others opt for something called legal separation. This article will explore what that entails and why it might be the right choice for you. If you and your spouse want to end your marriage but are unsure how to proceed, speak with an experienced Naperville, IL family law attorney to learn more.

Opting out of Divorce

There are several reasons why a couple that no longer wants to be married might look for an option that does not entail divorce. Some of these reasons are:

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Navigating Disagreements about Homeschooling in Illinois

 Posted on August 23,2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerIn Illinois, divorced parents typically share custody of their children. One parent might have the majority of parental responsibilities and visitation, but the courts prefer having both parents involved in making important decisions on their child’s behalf, including about their education. As homeschooling is growing in popularity across the country, divorced parents are finding themselves at odds over whether it is the right choice for their child. It can be frustrating and distressing when you and your ex cannot agree on something important for your child. If your ex wants to homeschool your child and you are against it, speak with a qualified DuPage County, IL divorce lawyer to review your options.

Can My Ex Homeschool Our Child if I Am Against It?

Homeschooling is an outside-the-box education model that can be an excellent choice for some children and a terrible option for others. It can be further complicated if the parents are divorced and cannot agree about it. If your ex has decided to homeschool your child and you are avidly opposed, there are several legal options you might consider:

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I Got Laid Off. Do I Still Need to Pay Child Support?

 Posted on August 21,2024 in Child Support

IL family lawyerDivorce requires parents to arrange how their lives will be impacted by their separation. Will they sell their home, or will one of them keep it? What will happen with their retirement funds? Where will their children live? One of the decisions that is generally made based on the spouses’ circumstances at the time of the divorce is child support. If one parent earns more money and the other parent spends more time taking care of the children, the first parent generally makes child support payments to the other. However, like anything in life, your financial situation can change in a way that you may not have anticipated when you were settling your divorce. If you are the paying parent and have just been laid off, you probably have questions about the child support payments you are expected to make. A knowledgeable Naperville, IL divorce lawyer can give you the answers.

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Worrying Increase in Domestic Violence Deaths in Illinois

 Posted on August 14,2024 in Domestic Violence

IL family lawyerDomestic violence is a serious problem that affects many people. Sadly, the number of deaths related to domestic violence in Illinois is rising, with recent reports estimating that they increased by 110% over the past year. Understanding how domestic violence can have tragic consequences is important for keeping families safe and finding ways to prevent these situations. If you are concerned for your safety, speak with a compassionate Naperville, IL family law attorney who can help you navigate this challenging time.

Why Are Domestic Violence Deaths on the Rise?

While there is no excuse for domestic violence, there are some explanations for why related deaths have been increasing lately, including:

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Navigating Divorce and Property Valuation in Illinois

 Posted on August 05,2024 in Division of Assets

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be a difficult time for families, especially in Illinois where couples face tough decisions about the future of their assets. When spouses decide to divorce, they often need to figure out how to divide their property fairly. Marital assets can include everything from houses and cars to savings accounts and investments. It is important to understand what these assets are worth to ensure they are divided fairly. If you and your spouse are considering divorce, speak with a qualified Naperville, IL divorce lawyer about conducting a property valuation.

Property Valuation in Divorce

Property distribution is an important step in the divorce process. To understand what type of property division is fair, a valuation might be necessary. Valuation is a process that determines the value of any assets that will be divided between spouses.

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