Pesce Law Group, P.C.


Naperville | Oak Brook | Burr Ridge | Lake Forest | St. Charles

Bloomingdale, IL Divorce and Family Law Attorney

DuPage County Divorce Lawyer Serving Clients in Northern Illinois

Family court is a frightening and intimidating place. Simply finding the right room is a near-Herculean task. Then, once the case begins, there is a seemingly endless parade of legal buzzwords and obscure procedural rules. In fact, most divorce and family law cases contain hundreds of seemingly nuanced details that make a tremendous difference in the outcome. As a brief example, the wrong wording on an agreed property division can mean thousands of dollars in additional taxes.

Situations like these require a counselor and advocate, which is exactly what you will find at Pesce Law Group, P.C. We take as much time as needed to meet with you, answer your questions, and learn about your objectives. We do not hold back when giving advice; we give you both the good and the bad, so that you can make informed choices. Then, in both mediation sessions and court hearings, we serve as a strong and effective voice. In fact, our definition of "failure" is anything less than the best possible outcome under the circumstances.

How We Can Help

In our modern society, legal issues touch nearly every household in DuPage County at one time or another. That is why we stand ready to provide assistance with:

  • Divorce: Whether the marriage dissolution is a simple and uncontested matter or one involving dozens of witnesses and hundreds of pages of documents, the issues are very much the same: an equitable property division and the best interests of the children. We make sure that your voice is loud and clear.
  • Family Law: Most divorces, especially if there are children involved, do not end when the orders are signed. Many times, there are multiple modification and enforcement actions in the years to come. We also routinely handle stand-alone family law matters like grandparent visitation, adoption, child support, paternity, and name changes.

Because we regularly practice in all area courts, we are well-versed in all the rules and procedures, even the ones that are unwritten.

Our Methods

Just like most athletic contests are won by disciplined practice and thoughtful planning, the outcome of a divorce or family law case is often determined well before the judge even takes the bench. For attorneys, practice means preparation. We tirelessly interview witnesses, review documents, and examine other evidence in the case. Then, we apply the latest statutes and court decisions that are relevant to your matter.

Furthermore, at Pesce Law Group, P.C., the lines of communication between attorney and client are always open. Working together, we carefully assess the costs and benefits of each possible approach, and once we make a decision, we aggressively uphold your legal and financial interests. This two-pronged approach, preparation and planning, nearly always results in an outcome that exceeds your expectations.

For prompt assistance in this area, contact our law firm at 630-352-2240. Convenient payment plans are available.

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