Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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What Issues Must Be Addressed in an Illinois Parenting Plan?

 Posted on September 09,2019 in Child Custody

Naperville family law attorneysWhen parents get divorced and wish to share custody of their child in Illinois, they are expected by the court to create a parenting plan. This plan outlines how parental responsibilities will be shared as well as how decisions about the child’s upbringing will be made after the divorce is finalized. There are certain elements of a parenting plan that are required under Illinois laws, but many experts suggest including other aspects of childrearing in the plan as well.

If you are considering a divorce, it is a good idea to learn about what you must include in a parenting plan. A qualified family law attorney can help you make your parenting plan the foundation of a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Requirements for Illinois Parenting Plan

At a minimum, a parenting plan in Illinois must include:

  • A designation of the parent who will have the majority of parenting time (custodial parent);
  • The child's residential address for school enrollment purposes;
  • Each parent's residential address, phone number, place of employment, and employment phone number and address;
  • How parents will share important decision-making responsibilities;
  • Where the child will live and a detailed schedule/method for parenting time (formerly called visitation);
  • Arrangements for child transportation between the two parents;
  • A mediation provision addressing any future change in parenting time or allocation of parental responsibilities;
  • The right each parent has to access the child’s medical, child care, and school records;
  • The requirement that if a parent plans to move, he or she must give at least 60 days’ prior written notice to the other parent informing him or her of the new address and intended date of the move;
  • Provisions which require parents to notify the other of any child-related emergencies, medical care, travel plans, or other significant issues;
  • Provisions for parental communication with the child during the other parent's allotted parenting time;
  • Provisions for how concerns regarding a parent's future relocation should be handled;
  • Provisions for any future alterations of the parenting plan; and
  • Provisions for the “right of first refusal,” if appropriate.

The “right of first refusal” means that if a parent cannot exercise his or her scheduled parenting time with the child for some reason, he or she must offer the other parent that time. For example, if the right of first refusal applies and a parent wants to go on vacation during one of the days he or she has custody of the child, that parent must offer to let the child stay with the other parent before hiring a babysitter. Your parenting plan does not necessarily need to include the right of first refusal, but the issue must be addressed one way or the other.

Contact a Naperville, Illinois Family Law Attorney

The accomplished DuPage County family law attorneys at Pesce Law Group, P.C. can help with any issues related to divorce, parenting time, and the allocation of parental responsibilities. With significant experience in this area of the law, our team is equipped to provide the guidance you need. Call us today at 630-352-2240 for a free consultation.



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