Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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What is Supervised Parenting Time and When is it Required in Illinois?

 Posted on November 23,2020 in Child Custody

Naperville child custody attorneyIn Illinois, child custody is broken down into two main components: parental responsibilities and parenting time. Formerly known as visitation, parenting time refers to the time a parent spends directly caring for his or her child. Illinois courts make all child custody decisions based on the child’s best interests. In some cases, the court may decide that supervised parenting time is necessary to ensure the safety of the child.  

When is Supervised Visitation Required?

Supervised visits may be ordered anytime that there is concern about a parent’s ability to adequately care for a child and ensure the child’s safety. Often, supervised visitation is required because the parent has been accused of domestic violence or abuse. This abuse may have been directed at the child, the other parent, or another party. Supervised visitation may also be required if a parent has a severe mental illness, substance abuse problem, or addiction that could endanger the child. The court may also require supervised visits if the parent has previously neglected the child or there is a concern that the parent could attempt to kidnap the child.

What Happens During Supervised Parenting Time?

If you are required to have supervised parenting time, you may be unsure of what to expect. It can be awkward and uncomfortable to have someone watch you spend time with your child. Often, the best way to deal with supervised parenting time is to pretend that the supervisor is not there. Spend time with your child like you normally would. Do not feel like you must “put on a show” for the supervisor or act differently. Demonstrate your commitment to being a good parent by showing up for your visitation period on time. Never consume drugs or alcohol prior to your visit, even if drug or alcohol use is not the specific reason for the supervision requirements. During the visitation, find something to do with your child that you both enjoy. This could be playing a game, reading a story together, working on a craft or project, or another type of age-appropriate activity.

Contact a DuPage County Child Custody Lawyer

Supervised parenting time may be appropriate in situations in which a parent suffers from an addiction, mental illness, or other personal problems that may interfere with parenting responsibilities. If you are a parent who is planning to divorce and you have child custody concerns, or you are an unmarried parent who would like to learn more about supervised visitation, contact Pesce Law Group, P.C. Our Naperville family law attorneys can help with issues related to parental responsibility, parenting time, child custody, divorce, and much more. Call 630-352-2240 today and schedule a free, confidential consultation.



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