Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Tips for Handling Child Custody Evaluations in an Illinois Family Law Case

 Posted on April 28,2021 in Child Custody

Lombard family law attorney for child custody evaluationsChild custody is comprised of two main components in Illinois. “Parental responsibilities” refers to a parent’s authority to make major decisions about the child. “Parenting time,” which used to be called visitation, is the time that a parent spends with their child. Many parents disagree about the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. In some cases, a child custody evaluation is used to gather information about the situation so that the court can make an informed decision regarding child custody. In these cases, parents will want to do the following:

Cooperate With the Evaluation Process

For some parents, being the subject of a child custody evaluation can feel like their parenting skills are being called into question. Some parents may even feel like their love for their child is being questioned. Understandably, this can lead to strong emotions. It is important to remember that the purpose of a child custody evaluation is to gather information about the child’s best interests. You are not being accused of anything. It is best to cooperate with the child custody evaluator and remain respectful.

Freely Provide Information and Answer Questions Truthfully

The child custody evaluator may require access to medical records and financial documents. He or she may ask you personal questions about topics that you rarely discuss with strangers. If you are a private person, you may feel uncomfortable about some parts of the evaluation process. While this is understandable, it is important to provide the information and documents that are requested. Answer the evaluator’s questions honestly and show that your child’s well-being is your top priority.

Avoid Disparaging Your Child’s Other Parent

If you are in the middle of a child custody dispute, you know just how heated these disputes can get. Your child’s other parent may have said terrible things about you or even lied about you in an effort to gain an advantage in the dispute. Nevertheless, it is essential not to stoop to the other parent’s level. Avoid excessively disparaging your child’s other parent. If you are asked questions about the other parent, answer honestly and back your answers up with facts. Avoid making claims about the other parent that are based solely on emotions.

Contact a Naperville Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody disputes are often multifaceted. In order to gather information about each parent, the court may appoint a child custody evaluator to your case. It is important to cooperate with the evaluation process and remain respectful of the evaluator. Even more importantly, you will want to work with an experienced DuPage County child custody attorney to ensure that you are properly prepared for the evaluation. Call 630-352-2240 for a free consultation.


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