Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Five Common Mistakes to Avoid in Illinois Child Custody Cases

 Posted on July 21,2015 in Child Custody

child custody mistakes, Illinois child custody lawyerIn the event of a divorce, determining custody of the couple’s child(ren) can be the most emotional part of the process. Gaining custody tends to be the primary focus for each parent, above all other allocations. With the amount of pressure placed on custody hearings, divorcing couples often make mistakes that can negatively impact the court’s determination regarding the child custody plan.

The most important thing to remember during custody negotiations is the priority of the child’s well-being. In order to determine a favorable outcome, parents should be aware of five mistakes that can have a significant impact on the outcome of the proceedings.

Mistake One: The couple’s hostility toward each other is more apparent than their love for their children.

The court will come to a decision based on their determination on what will be best for the child(ren). Divorcing parents should never let negative feelings toward their spouse be made known to their child(ren). Parents should refrain from speaking negatively about the child(ren)’s father or mother if the child(ren) could overhear, and should also avoid posting negative comments on social media or other public platforms.

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