Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Tips for Finding the Right Child Custody Schedule

 Posted on August 31,2015 in Child Custody

b2ap3_thumbnail_child-custody-schedule-illinois.jpgFinding the perfect child custody schedule for your children can be difficult. With the school year just beginning, many split custody families are testing out their school year custody schedule, one that can be very different from a summer vacation schedule. The best custody arrangement is one that allows your children to feel loved and supported, provides a stable environment, and allows access to quality time spent with both parents. Here are some key things to remember when arranging your child custody schedule with your child's other parent.

Be Realistic

When initially vying for child custody, it’s common for anger and other emotions to cloud your judgment. Try to avoid using your children’s custody schedule as a way to attack your soon to be ex. Do not let your child custody plan be based on your own insecurities or in an attempt to hurt your spouse. Many parents, whose judgments are clouded by emotions, overextend themselves and demand full custody or close to it, when, really, they are unable to actually care well for their children. Consider your own schedule, living arrangements, and other commitments before asking for a large amount of scheduled time with your children. Hopefully you have an attorney by your side during the initial custody arrangement process, so he or she can help steer you in the right direction if necessary.

Be Prepared to Make Changes

No parent can plan for all changes that may arise in the future. As children grow and mature, their interests evolve. You may have a young soccer star one year, and the next have a debate team member that needs to travel every weekend. One parent may get a different job with changes in hours. Life happens, and co-parents need to remember to be willing to change their custody schedules when the best interest of the children is at stake. Talk to your attorney to find out more about modifying your child custody schedule. While it may be possible to re-negotiate on your own terms, your existing custody order may require you to submit the amended schedule to the court.


Any strong co-parenting relationship involves communication. While emotions may still be tense between you and your ex, there are strategies you can employ to remain communicative for the children. Consider texting simple messages about pick up and drop off times, or sharing any important things the other parent would need to know. There are even apps that allow co-parents to upload their parenting schedules and get daily reminders about what is happening. Establishing and maintaining good communication can be difficult, but it is absolutely necessary for the well-being of your children.

If you are dealing with child custody issues and need guidance, a qualified Naperville child custody attorney is available to assist you. Contact the Pesce Law Group today at 630-352-2240 to learn more today.


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