Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Co-Parenting Apps You Need to Know About

 Posted on April 07,2016 in Child Custody

smartphone apps, Naperville family law attorneysEven the most friendly of co-parents may struggle from time to time. Managing a child’s life can be difficult, especially from two different homes. As modern-day technology continues to simplify many aspects of daily life, it comes as no surprise that co-parents now have a bevy of new apps to turn to for support. Intended to be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet, these apps help co-parents be the best parents they can be, from helping them manage their children’s schedules to making child support payments. If you are a divorced co-parent, here are a few new apps that can help simplify your life.

Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is one of the most popular parenting apps available. The program provides parents with numerous tools and resources to make co-parenting easier and more efficient. Parents can use the program to track parenting time schedules, share important family information, track child expenses, and make support payments. Additionally, the program provides a channel for communication between exes that can be tracked by court officials. Some courts have recently been requiring conflicted couples to download and use the app post divorce.


Parents struggling to keep track of shared parenting expenses may find SplitWise helpful. This app is built to help parents track expenses so parenting costs are covered equally. The app not only tracks expenses, but will send out friendly emails and alerts to remind spouses when they owe each other, taking the difficult topic of money out of the equation.


HopSkipDrive is the first app of its kind. Ride sharing apps like Uber and Lyft have risen in popularity in recent years, and HopSkipDrive is the first ride sharing app built for parents in need of transportation for their children. Balancing soccer practice, ballet lessons, and swim team can be difficult with just one co-parent in charge. HopSkipDrive allows parents to find safe, reliable transportation for their children. Each driver is required to pass a background check and extensive certification process, so parents can be assured their children are safe.


When children are split between two households, time at each house becomes very valuable. Many co-parents find they struggle enforcing chores for their children, as they would rather spend quality time with their children as opposed to making them do chores. ChoreMonster takes the stress out of doing chores, and turns household activities into a game for children. The app rewards children points when they complete chores, and these points are shared between both households. Parents can monitor their children’s progress, and the children can track their activity through the app installed on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer.

Our Attorneys are Here to Help

While no app can make co-parenting completely stress-free, many new apps are helping co-parents across the country simplify the process. If you are struggling with serious co-parenting issues, you may need the help of a qualified Naperville family law attorney. The team at Pesce Law Group, P.C., has years of combined experience handling a wide variety of divorce and family law cases. Whether you are about to initiate a divorce, or are in need of modifying your custody/parenting agreement, we have legal solutions that can help. We even offer mediative and collaborative solutions to help keep your case as conflict free as possible. Call 630-352-2240 today to schedule your free consultation with the Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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